Absolutely. At TINY, we offer job placement assistance. Our job placement assistance comprises services like resume preparation and mock interviews enabling our graduates to navigate the competitive job market, enhancing their prospects of successful placement.
Yes, TINY is committed to supporting your educational journey. We provide flexible payment plans and financial assistance to deserving students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder your ability to pursue your studies. We aim to make education accessible and affordable for all.
T.I.N.Y provides comprehensive assistance, including forming a corporation, licensing and compliance guidance, labor law support, lease negotiation training, marketing assistance, financing guidance, partner training with wireless vendors, leadership fundamentals, and growth management planning.
The wireless repair industry is ever-growing, with opportunities for skilled technicians. According to industry statistics, the wireless repair business has a significant profit margin, and the industry is recession-proof.
No, T.I.N.Y courses are designed to accommodate learners of all levels, from beginners to aspiring professionals. We provide the support and guidance needed for success.